
Utilities for drawing unravelled persistence diagrams as SVGs.

class persunraveltorch.draw.Draw(*, range_intervals: Tuple[float, float] = (0.0, pi / 2.0), seizing: Seizing = SeizingByHeight(length=Length(650.0, Unit.PX)), viewbox_creator: ViewboxCreator = ViewboxWithPadding(padding=0.06), strip_orientation: StripOrientation = StripOrientation.ORDINARY, background_creator: BackgroundCreator = svg.StripWithAxesPattern(), unravel: Callable | None = None, fmt: str = '%.5f', device=None, dtype=None)[source]

Bases: object

Callable drawing unravelled persistence diagrams as SVG.

  • range_intervals (Tuple[float, float], optional) – See range_intervals for details, defaults to (0.0, pi/2.0).

  • seizing (Seizing, optional) – See seizing for details. The default is an instance of SeizingByHeight, specifically SeizingByHeight( length = Length(650.0, Unit.PX) ).

  • viewbox_creator (ViewboxCreator, optional) – See viewbox_creator for details, defaults to ViewboxWithPadding( padding=0.06 ).

  • strip_orientation (StripOrientation, optional) – The orientation of the strip to be drawn, see also strip_orientation. The default is StripOrientation.ORDINARY, StripOrientation.CROSS can be a sensible choice for functional or extended persistence.

  • background_creator (svg.BackgroundCreator, optional) – Draws the background based on the input, see also background_creator. The default is a default instance of svg.StripWithAxesPattern.

  • unravel (Optional[ Callable ], optional) – If this is not None, then it is used to compute unravelled persistence diagrams instead of a newly created instance of Unravel, see also unravel. The default is None.

  • fmt (str, optional) – See fmt for details, defaults to ‘%.5f’.

__call__(intervals: Sequence[Tensor | Iterable[Tensor]], *, seizing: Seizing | None = None, viewbox_creator: ViewboxCreator | None = None, standalone: bool | None = None, complete_dimensions: bool | None = None) SVG[source]

Draws unravelled persistence diagram as SVG.

  • intervals (Sequence[ torch.Tensor | Iterable[torch.Tensor] ]) – Persistence intervals. If a Sequence[torch.Tensor] is passed, the indices of the outer sequence correspond to degrees, whereas if a Sequence[Iterable[torch.Tensor]] is passed, then the inner Iterable is assumend to correspond to the degrees and the outer Sequence corresponds to different persistence diagrams.

  • seizing (Optional[Seizing], optional) – If this is not None, then it is used in place of seizing, defaults to None.

  • viewbox_creator (Optional[ViewboxCreator], optional) – If this is not None, then it is used in place of viewbox_creator, defaults to None.

  • standalone (Optional[bool], optional) – If this is not None, then it is used in place of standalone, defaults to None.

  • complete_dimensions (Optional[bool]) – If this is not None, then it is used in place of complete_dimensions, defaults to None.


The SVG picturing unravelled persistence diagrams.

Return type:



svg.BackgroundCreator: Draws the background based on the input.

classmethod complement_notebook()[source]

Complements the notebook with CSS and SVG containing ‘defs’.

This classmethod is supposed to be called from Jupyter Notebook. It adds a <style> element wrapping stylesheet and an invisible <svg> containing a <defs> element wrapping defs to the notebook. Moreover, it has the side effect of setting standalone to False.

defs: ClassVar[str] = '<marker id="marker-disc"\n        markerUnits="userSpaceOnUse"\n        viewBox="-0.02 -0.02 0.04 0.04"\n        markerWidth="0.04"\n        markerHeight="0.04">\n  <circle r="0.015"\n          fill="currentColor"\n          class="tint-red" />\n</marker>\n<marker id="marker-x"\n        markerUnits="userSpaceOnUse"\n        viewBox="-0.03 -0.03 0.06 0.06"\n        markerWidth="0.06"\n        markerHeight="0.06">\n  <g fill="currentColor"\n     class="tint-green">\n    <rect width="0.01" height="0.04"\n          transform="rotate(-45) translate(-0.005 -0.02)" />\n    <rect width="0.01" height="0.04"\n          transform="rotate(45) translate(-0.005 -0.02)" />\n  </g>\n</marker>\n'

str: SVG code to be wrapped by a <defs> element.

The initial value is svg.MARKERS.


str: The format string used to render floats into strings.


Tuple[float, float]: The finite range containing all persistence intervals.


Seizing: Computes ‘width’ and ‘height’ attributes based on the input.

standalone: ClassVar[bool] = True

If drawn SVGs should be standalone (by default).




StripOrientation: The orientation of the strip to be drawn.

stylesheet: ClassVar[str] = '.unravelled-diagrams polyline {\n    fill: none;\n}\n\n.unravelled-diagrams polyline:nth-of-type(odd) {\n    marker: url(#marker-disc);\n}\n\n.unravelled-diagrams polyline:nth-of-type(even) {\n    marker: url(#marker-x);\n}\n.tint-blue {\n    color: #007AFF;\n}\n.tint-green {\n    color: #34C759;\n}\n.tint-indigo {\n    color: #5856D6;\n}\n.tint-orange {\n    color: #FF9500;\n}\n.tint-pink {\n    color: #FF2D55;\n}\n.tint-purple {\n    color: #AF52DE;\n}\n.tint-red {\n    color: #FF3B30;\n}\n.tint-teal {\n    color: #5AC8FA;\n}\n.tint-yellow {\n    color: #DEAE00;\n}\n\n.shade-000 {\n    color: #000000;\n}\n.shade-005 {\n    color: #0D0D0D;\n}\n.shade-010 {\n    color: #1A1A1A;\n}\n.shade-015 {\n    color: #262626;\n}\n.shade-020 {\n    color: #333333;\n}\n.shade-025 {\n    color: #404040;\n}\n.shade-030 {\n    color: #4C4C4C;\n}\n.shade-035 {\n    color: #595959;\n}\n.shade-040 {\n    color: #666666;\n}\n.shade-045 {\n    color: #737373;\n}\n.shade-050 {\n    color: #808080;\n}\n.shade-055 {\n    color: #8C8C8C;\n}\n.shade-060 {\n    color: #999999;\n}\n.shade-065 {\n    color: #A6A6A6;\n}\n.shade-070 {\n    color: #B2B2B2;\n}\n.shade-075 {\n    color: #BFBFBF;\n}\n.shade-080 {\n    color: #CCCCCC;\n}\n.shade-085 {\n    color: #D9D9D9;\n}\n.shade-090 {\n    color: #E6E6E6;\n}\n.shade-095 {\n    color: #F2F2F2;\n}\n.shade-100 {\n    color: #FFFFFF;\n}\n'

str: The stylesheet to be used by the SVG.

The initial value is the concatenation of css.POLYLINE and css.LIGHT_SCHEME.


Optional[ Callable ]: Used to compute unravelled persistence diagrams.


Creates a viewbox based on the input.



class persunraveltorch.draw.SVG[source]

Bases: str

SVG as a string that is automatically displayed as such in Jupyter.

class persunraveltorch.draw.StripOrientation(value, names=_not_given, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: StrEnum

CROSS = 'cross'
ORDINARY = 'ordinary'
class persunraveltorch.draw.VerticalOrientation(value, names=_not_given, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: StrEnum

DOWN = 'down'
UP = 'up'
class persunraveltorch.draw.Viewbox(*, vertical_orientation: VerticalOrientation, top: float, right: float, bottom: float, left: float)[source]

Bases: object

Dataclass for attributes specifying a viewbox.

bottom: float
left: float
right: float
top: float
vertical_orientation: VerticalOrientation

Orientation of the y axis.



class persunraveltorch.draw.ViewboxCreator(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Protocol

Callable for creating a Viewbox from parameters.

__call__(*, range_intervals: Tuple[float, float], strip_orientation: StripOrientation, unravelled_intervals: Sequence, **kwargs: Any) Viewbox[source]

Creates a Viewbox from parameters.

  • range_intervals (Tuple[float, float]) – The finite range containing all persistence intervals.

  • strip_orientation (StripOrientation) – The orientation of the strip to be drawn.

  • unravelled_intervals (Sequence) – The unravelled persistence intervals as a sequence by degree.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Any descendent of ViewboxCreator needs this so the protocol can be extended in the future.

Return type:


class persunraveltorch.draw.ViewboxWithPadding(*, padding: float)[source]

Bases: ViewboxCreator

Creates a Viewbox based on highest degree with padding.

__call__(*, range_intervals: Tuple[float, float], strip_orientation: StripOrientation, unravelled_intervals: Sequence, **kwargs: Any) Viewbox[source]

Creates a Viewbox from parameters.

  • range_intervals (Tuple[float, float]) – The finite range containing all persistence intervals.

  • strip_orientation (StripOrientation) – The orientation of the strip to be drawn.

  • unravelled_intervals (Sequence) – The unravelled persistence intervals as a sequence by degree.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Any descendent of ViewboxCreator needs this so the protocol can be extended in the future.

Return type:


padding: float

float: The amount of padding to be added in local coordinates.