extension: .md
format_name: myst
format_version: 0.13
jupytext_version: 1.16.4
display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
language: python
name: python3
Drawing Unravelled Persistence Diagrams
First we create and plot a point cloud of a sphere
and of a torus.
```{code-cell} ipython3
from tadasets import sphere, torus, plot3d
my_sphere = sphere( r = 2, n = 100 )
my_torus = torus( c = 2, a = 1, n = 100 )
plot3d( my_sphere );
plot3d( my_torus );
Then we compute persistence intervals for each point cloud.
```{code-cell} ipython3
import numpy as np
import torch
import gudhi
simplex_trees = [
gudhi.AlphaComplex( points = point_cloud ).create_simplex_tree() for
point_cloud in ( my_sphere, my_torus )
[ simplex_tree.compute_persistence() for simplex_tree in simplex_trees ];
persistence_intervals = [
[ torch.from_numpy(
np.float32( simplex_tree.persistence_intervals_in_dimension(dim) )
) for dim in range(3) ] for
simplex_tree in simplex_trees
Then we complement the notebook to allow us
to draw several unravelled persistence diagrams
without rendering the HTML document invalid
and we instantiate the
class `Draw`
with its default parameters.
```{code-cell} ipython3
from functools import partial
from persunraveltorch.draw import Draw
draw = Draw()
Then we draw unravelled persistence diagrams
corresponding to the previously created point clouds
using the arctan function to map all intervals
into the range between 0 and π/2.
(You can choose different bounds when instantiating
using the `range_intervals` keyword argument.)
```{code-cell} ipython3
draw( list(
map( partial(map, torch.atan), persistence_intervals )
) )
Then we draw the same diagrams again except that we scale
all persistence intervals with a factor of 1.7 before applying
```{code-cell} ipython3
draw( list(
partial(map, lambda intervals_d: torch.atan(1.7 * intervals_d)),
) )
we save the first version as a standalone SVG file.
```{code-cell} ipython3
with open('unravelled-diagrams.svg', 'w') as svg_file:
standalone = True,
intervals = list(
map( partial(map, torch.atan), persistence_intervals )